Saturday, February 9, 2013

High school friends. .

Hmm. . as you can see there's no post about food for today. There were plans made right after tennis, my high school classmates hung out at my house and had rum coke. . Unfortunately I wasn't able to have any drink whatsoever due to my medications. .

I wasn't even able to prepare any food for them. . If only it was planned ahead of time. . .

This is us, me with the yellow hair and my friend Lee wearing black, Khaye, Isaiah doing the somehow offensive sign and Karl my tennis buddy. 

 and another one, with a very awkward shot of me. . I don't really look good in pictures. LOL

 and these are just crazy pictures of us. Doing wacky faces. Just playing and waiting for the time to pass. .

Look how crazy we are. . LOL

 Khaye and me just messing with the cam. . Doing whatever we want.

 Isaiah and Karl are the musically inclined ones. Karl has a good singing voice and Isaiah knows his way with instruments. He's pretty amazing behind the guitar. .

And this is the wacky group shot and again Isaiah with his offensive sign. Sorry 'bout that. . 

This event has given me the idea of hosting a small get together with friends and make some great party planning topics for my blog. Though I'm not good, I can always ask help from the best party planner that I've known. She's one of the best. 

She knows how to make ordinary things work great. She even organized my sister's wedding and that woman is my one and only MOM. . . Yup! She knows her way too with organizing stuff. . Too bad she haven't passed her party planning genes to me. LOL! But I guess I can learn in time. . .


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