Sunday, February 3, 2013

Health Awareness Week for me. . .

Sunday, the day where mostly everyone stays at home, spending time with the whole family and some even spend time with friends. There are also some who loves spending their time outside like on the beach and on the park. 

It's just the perfect day to rest and unwind from the stressful week of school and work. That's why it's preferable to have something home cooked.

The first two paragraphs are way off topic from the title I have specified, well, I just wanted to state that today is always the day to have a scrumptious home cooked meal for all the family members to enjoy. I on the other hand, always end up thinking of ways on what to cook and such. I find it hard for the budget and the facilities to cook. There's a big book of recipes here but some of the ingredients are just expensive and I'm not that good on substituting things. So, I was thinking, if you want a meal for your family to enjoy on a lovely Sunday, why not cook something healthy and delicious at the same time. 

So starting right now, I'm gonna try and search some healthy and delicious recipes to put up for the whole week. I guess it's not that hard, the only challenge is that I need to find ingredients that are affordable. hmm.

Now this is a challenge I will be willing to undertake. .

Everyone are so health conscious these days so I'm guessing there will be lots of healthy recipes lurking around the web and some magazines. 

Can't wait to find my very first recipe, . I don't really have any health conscious recipes on my sleeves at the moment so this would be a really good start and maybe draw in some good crowd to my blog. 

Let the healthy way of living begin.  . ;)


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