Thursday, February 14, 2013

Bohol Trip

Last February 13, 2013 we went on a 1 day trip to Bohol. My parents had some important stuff to do there. That was one of the most exhausting and fun trip I've had. 

We left the house around 5 am, making us miss the first trip of the boat which made us take the second one instead, only an hour difference. . 

After buying the tickets we then waited at the terminal at the port. I was so excited for it was my first time travelling after a year of being sick and stuff. 

Minutes before boarding we saw some politicians about to go on the trip as well. They were gonna do some campaigning for the coming election. It was weird seeing them there. 

When we were on the boat, 20 minutes past the schedule time for departure, one of the passengers behind us kept on complaining about how it is unfair for them to wait for some of the VIP's to be on the boat while normal people gets left behind for just 5 minutes late. It was quite a laugh for me to hear him moan about his "PROBLEMS" with the management. LOL

Enough about that, once the VIP's has settled, the boat then took its course and head out to sea. :D

In the middle of nowhere, some of the politicians went up to the economy class where we are seated ( 'cuz the business class is full just for them ) and they started greeting everyone and letting us know about their candidacy. I was so happy to have my pic taken with one of my idols. He is a senator and the chairman of the Philippine Red Cross. It was a good way to pass the time for it's an hour trip.

From the left: my dad, Senator Gordon, my mom and me. 

When the boat arrived at the port in Bohol, there was a marching band greeting the politicians. I just made it seem like they were there for me. LOL. 

Let's just fast forward to where we got some breakfast, there isn't much story there when we arrived. So we met the driver of the car my mom rented for the day and he took us to where my mom always eats when she gets there. It's not a fancy restaurant, it's just a small informal restaurant in which all people have known it as an Eatery.

This is it, Kan-anan Exacto ni Ate Jo. . It's quite small really but the best part is that it's cheap, clean and just along the way to our destination. .

There are a few varieties on the menu for them. Some are good and some are just okay. Most of items we ordered are Filipino foods that are a bit hard for me to describe. We ordered the Stingray simmered in vinegar and coconut milk along with other spices. We also ordered the Filipino style Beef steak, and the Pork menudo. .

Filipino Style Beef Steak
Pork Menudo

Ordered each for us though I only ate the Beef steak and just tasted the rest. Not so much a fan of the stingray. . . 

After breakfast we then started our journey to San Miguel, where my sister's farm is located. It's a one hour drive from where we were. There were lots of really nice views along the way, too bad I'm not good with photography. Haven't taken some good pictures of the scenes there. The ones I took are okay but not that good though. Here is a glimpse of Bohol from the path we've taken:

You can see how there are lots of greens there. . It is really relaxing to just stay in the car cruising through the empty highway. 

Here's a picture of the farm too,

The dog being cozy in the small garden. .
Here's my mom with her Ipad. haha

They were all busy doing their stuff while I was taking some pics, some are posted on my facebook page and some I've deleted. 

Time for lunch, my mom and I just bought some food in a small eatery again for there is no time to cook. most of the food we bought for lunch were fried. Fried native chicken, Fried pork, and Stir fried vermicelli. .

I don't recommend eating the huge slice of fat of the pork, eat at your own risk. . . We ate outside knowing it may rain at any time. The weather that time wasn't really that good. By the time we got settled in, the rain just poured. One by one took whatever we can inside and continued eating there. 

It was fun if I may add. LOL. 

The only thing that pissed me off was that after eating it stopped raining. It's like the heavens are playing with us. >.<

Then after eating back to how things are, they did their own thing while I did mine. LOL. I still had nothing to do there. Have I mentioned I was soaking in my own sweat? YES! walking on mud really exhausts you. Well, that is if you're like me, big and heavy. 

By 3 pm we headed back to the port so we can go back to Cebu early. An hour car drive and another hour boat ride again. It was just a 1 day plan really. I wanted to take the last boat trip at night but my mom wanted to go home early. So that's the whole day activity we had. It was really fun even though we only did a few things and the whole thing didn't really cost that much.

You don't have to spend so much to have fun. You don't have to eat in a fancy restaurant to be full and have a decent meal. What's important is the company you have and how you spend your time with it that makes it fun. We were laughing a lot during the trip. This whole thing is like going back to being simple. 

I just hope we can go back soon! Cheers!

Here are more pics taken on our way back to the port from the farm:


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