Sunday, April 14, 2013


Today I was awake early and went with my parents to the "Wet Market" or as what  we call it "Merkado" which came from the Spanish word "Mercado" meaning market. It is called wet market due to the extreme use of water to keep the fish or meat fresh and clean.  The market is located in Cordova named Pilipog, a couple of kilometers away from our house. Everything the sold there are fresh, from any kind of meat, fishes, poultry and vegetable selections. . . 

It has been a really busy day for them there, the whole market is flooded with buyers. And yes I am the only guy who's bringing a camera there, I stood out from the crowd. Lots of people were staring at me, some even smiled for the camera, unfortunately, the shots were out of focus or underexposed or sometimes overexposed. Too bad though. Here are some of the fishes there. I don't know some of them for I am not really familiar with them. I only know a few. For some reason, going with my parents to the market was a good way to start the day. They only go there during Sundays for it is the only day that my father is available, it's his day off from work. He's the only one that knows how to drive around here. 

 Here is my mom buying some shrimps. By the way, I'm allergic to shrimps so this is not for me. I used to love them but unfortunately, I became allergic to it all of a sudden which is really weird. Back to topic, she knows what she's doing, On the right you can see some crabs, I don't know what those are but there are orange things in there bottoms. HAHA. I really think it's funny to see those there. While I was taking some pictures, I can't stop but staring at it, I think it's the fat or something. Still not sure.

Here is my dad checking out the small fishes which is known as "Bolinao". It can be bought dried or fresh. Depends on how you like your fish to be.You can also see some clams, mussels and other kinds of shellfishes. On the right you can see some women busy with cleaning the shells. They use this really big knife where they cut a tip of some of them. It's really fun seeing them work in harmony. 

They are just there working while talking and just making the most out of their time. I bet they were just talking about some rumors or gossips going on there. HAHA. 

That's what I hear most of the time, that some "Tinederas" or female sellers or whatever you call it. ;)

What my mom bought that really caught my eye was the parrot fish also known as "Mol-mol". That is one of my favorite fish of all along with Tuna, salmon, etc. . . I don't have a lot of favorites for I am not really a fish eater kind of guy. I'm more of a beef/pork/chicken. Oh! I also love shellfishes and crabs. . 

Now for the meat and poultry part, we went to the next market just a few meters away from this one. This one is not that crowded at all, I guess it's due to the fact that the other market is new and somewhat an appealing place.


There's not much here really, just some chopped up chicken parts. You can see some whole chickens, chicken legs, breasts, feet, and the chicken heads. One of the disturbing ones there. It's a bit creepy seeing it there and the weird part is that I can't help my self but to take a picture of it and share it with you guys! HAHA 

 And here's the pork section, who says women can't butcher? This amazing lady is cooler than I thought. Not only that she knows how to chop up pig parts but she's also really friendly. I took a shot of her smiling but ended up deleting it due to the really poor quality of the picture. I'm guessing she knows my mom too. Maybe my mom always buy her meat there. You can see it there that the meat is clean and fresh. It's my first time here and seeing them. I have always wondered where my mom buys the pork. . . I've been having trouble taking some pictures here due to the fact that every time she slams that huge butcher's knife, bits and chunks flew and I don't want my camera or myself to get dirty and stuff. We still need to go to another market for the vegetables. LOL. I don't want to seem like a neat freak ( which I am not ). Just saying. HAHA

I did have fun today, it's a good thing I was up early. If I haven't, maybe I would never have taken these pics. Maybe I would never have a post for today! ;)

Oh for the vegetables, we went to the market under an old bridge (I'm just taking a wild guess since they call it "Tulay" meaning bridge.) I used to go there with my mom when I was a kid. Even the "Tindera" there was shocked when she saw me. According to her, I was really small when she last saw me, so apparently it was a really long time ago. That lady in the picture was the one who said that.  She's a really nice lady too. . Really friendly. Though some of the veggies she's selling 

This is the set up of the market there, It has improved since the last time I've been there. A lot has changed. It's much cleaner too.
I guess if we were there earlier, we can still see the place crowded and such. So many familiar faces there. 
It's fun seeing them after such a long time. Maybe this won't be the last time I'll go with my parents since I had fun. 
Oh! they don't just sell vegetables there, at the back, there's a vacant lot where they sell plants too. I remembered before, seeing lots of plants there but now, there isn't a lot. Hmm. Maybe the whole plant business doesn't click or they sell some of the stocks some place else. Here's my mom checking the plants out. <3

So that's the whole Wet market business. 


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