Saturday, April 13, 2013


For some time now, I've been trying to figure out some ways to earn some extra cash since I'm still not able to work. It's been hard with all these expensive medications that does nothing to you but making you feel even worse about yourself. There has been improvements when we talk about my seizures but when it comes to the medication, you get tons of migraine headaches, muscle cramps, tiredness, nausea, loss of taste, dizziness, paranoia and so on. You can't really get everything when it comes to modern medicine. I don't really know why but those are the side effects I've been having. Oh I forgot to mention about the over eating which makes you really, really fat! I'm really huge now, I went from 240 lbs to 265 lbs in a year. I'm afraid it will continue to go on. Now I'm trying to change my sleeping habit so I can incorporate some exercise time in my daily schedule. . .

Since I wanted to change my sleeping habit, I needed some inspiration. The only thing I can think of is baking. YUP! baking, I'm pretty sure I have mentioned it before that I really loved baking. Even made a silly post before this about the stand mixer.

Baking is really expensive for me right now since my parents have a lot to pay with all my medical bills. Then I realized, just "What If?!", what if I run my own business of pastries. I post an ad online or tell my friends about it, then bake some cupcakes or cakes whenever they wanted to order. Just that sort of business. You don't lose anything if it won't click due to the fact that I will just make them cakes when I get some orders.

BUT! there are problems with this kind of idea, I don't really have the right market for it, like I don't really know anyone who would be interested in buying them. Since I've been sick, I haven't talked to people lately, I've been in complete and total solitude. By that I mean, lacking of any "Social interactions" with strangers, in short, making friends.

Aside from that, I don't really know how to really run a small business. Yes I have a few insights and a few knowledge about it but unlike others, I'm not quite proficient in the business industry.

I don't know why but every time and I mean "EVERY TIME" I think about doing something worth it (aside from practicing photography and improving my writing skills), making a small business is the only thing that comes into mind.

Also, even if I'm proficient with the whole business administration, I don't have a large amount of pastry recipes in my reservoir. I have only done a few and if I'm gonna enter the world of pastry business, I really need to think of new ways to reinvent the realm of cupcakery.

I think I need to spend a lot of time on this, I really wanted to make a risk, maybe ask some few friends on who wants to accompany me with this journey. Hopefully, I can do this,

For now, I'll just stick to practicing more. I need to perfect everything. After all, practice makes perfect, right?! *wink*


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