Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Another fish for tonight's meal. .

Tonight I made Fried Pangasius with Roasted Vegetables. Weirdly enough, it tasted good. It wasn't even planned, just went to the kitchen and saw the bought fish like last time then vegetables popped in my mind. 

Pangasius is a shark catfish. Mostly found in Asia. 


The only vegetables laying around were tomatoes, carrots and bell peppers. Even added some garlic, chilies and some caramelized onion on top of the fish. . 

On top are the vegetables getting ready for roasting. Just seasoned them with salt and black pepper then drizzled with olive oil. .

Best thing about this is that you can use any kind of vegetables laying around and can be easily made. 

After seasoning them I just popped them in the oven for about 5-8 minutes or until they're done. . I don't really like some of them overcooked. 

The fish was marinated in a mixture of lemon, olive oil, salt and pepper. Just as simple as that! I was also looking for something that can be done easily. Just marinate it for 15 minutes for the fish is a bit delicate. Longer than that will make the fish more brittle and unappealing. 

Once it's done marinating I just seared it in a pan for about 5 minutes. The fish is really thin so it doesn't need to be cooked too long. 3 minutes on one side and 2 on the other. On the last minute, just turn off the heat and add a bit of butter to it for added taste and so the fish won't be dry. 

What I liked most about this fish is that, unlike other fishes, it doesn't have that nasty fishy smell and taste. 

Everything will be done under 30 minutes. So it's a recipe for those who want an easy and quick meal and a bit healthier too.

My parents loved it! I love the look on their face when they've tasted it. I just love it when someone appreciates your cooking. 

Here is a picture of the finished product:

Fried Pangasius with Roasted vegetables topped with caramelized onions

There you go, another fish recipe for my reservoir. Simple yet tasty. Cheers!

Ingredients: 1 serving

1 Pangasius (filleted)


  • Olive oil
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • Salt and Black pepper

  • 1 Carrot, diced
  • 1 Onion, minced then caramelized
  • 2 cloves of garlic, crushed
  • 1 pc Chili, diced
  • 2 pcs Tomatoes, cut into quarters
  • 2 pcs Red bell peppers, diced
  • Salt and pepper to taste, for the veggies
  • two tablespoon olive oil, for the veggies  

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