Thursday, May 10, 2012

Baby steps, Baby!

So as what I've said yesterday, me and my mom went to the baking supplies store and picked up a few items. Bought some cupcake tins, baking tray, rubber spatula, cupcake liners, steel spatula (a small one cuz i think it's cute and I've been dying to have one), measuring jugs, etc.

As you guys can see, most of them are for cupcakes. Yes, cupcakes! I've dreamed of making those cupcakes like the ones on TV. Been watching DC cupcakes before and it inspired me, just didn't have the right resources to do it. Now that my parents are enlightened to buy the essential stuff I needed for baking, gonna practice. 

In regards with the ancient oven, my dad made some renovations and cleaned the entire thing so it can be used as soon as possible. When we first opened the oven, there were lots of going on inside it. Rusty stuff and dust all over it. Now it's all cleaned which is safe for baking food and safe for human consumption! :)

Now I'm excited to try the recipe I've found online about a chocolate cupcake with no eggs in it. Haven't tried it before, used to making it with eggs and butter and I'm eager as a pup to try it. Just not sure about how the frosting should go but I feel like It will just come to me on the process. 

I'm so proud of the support that my parents are giving me with all of these, without them, I don't think it's possible for me to bake in our own house. Will post some pics of the cupcakes soon! hope all will go well. Cheers!

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