Friday, May 11, 2012

and there were cupcakes. . .

Eager as usual, I did what I had to do, made the cupcakes that I've dreamed of making. Found a recipe online about a chocolate cupcake that didn't need eggs which I found online. I know I said that I was eager to make it but a part of me was a bit hesitant. Maybe I was just afraid to fail since a lot of pressure was on me knowing that i went to a culinary school, Story of my life! we'll get to that later on. HAHA!

So there I was, reading the recipe, following each and every measurement. Trying to be precise and due to the heat, it made the difficulty raise a bit higher cuz I sweat a lot! and when I say a lot, I'm not exaggerating. Glad no sweat dripped on my cakes or I'll throw them to the trash with no hesitation.

The first time I tried to make the frosting, it made me mad! I ran out of butter and some other ingredients, so I tried to be creative, this may sound silly but I tried making a meringue to make it light and fluffy. Instead it made the mixture so wet that i needed icing sugar to stiffen it or something but no stock. So i decided to put flour and cooked it on low fire, the end result was disappointing. Did I mention i needed to make a butter-cream frosting??? YUP! for a culinary arts graduate, that was kind of stupid. At least I've learned my lesson there or maybe the one I made had some potential on becoming something and just needed to adjust the procedure and everything that was going on there. HAHA!

So me and my Dad went to the grocery store and bought some icing sugar and more butter. Followed the right recipe and with some luck, I managed to make it. At last! after a tiring whisking, i finally made it.

Made two versions, one was with a coffee flavor to it and the other one was just vanilla. When everyone tasted it, they liked the one with vanilla. That was my accomplishment for today. Made everything worthwhile, made me forget that I was depressed. OH wait! I remembered it again.. well, maybe i should get back to baking. :) Cheers!

So here's the final product, need to practice on my frosting. This is dedicated to my "daughter" since she passed the interview for her visa. 

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