Sunday, March 17, 2013

Search for the right frosting. .

As what the title says, I've been scouting the net for the right recipe of a frosting. I'm completely out of ideas for it, the only thing I know is the basic traditional buttercream frosting which I have mostly used. The thing is, I can't really get the right taste for it.

It says that the "American buttercream frosting" is really sweet. That's just it. The problem is, I sometimes get greasy and a wet frosting if I don't add the required amount of icing sugar.

I like the sweetness but it's just too much that it overpowers the flavor of the cupcake itself. I've been to lots of websites explaining them and came across this site called " Cupcake Cavern ". I love this blog and been reading it for the past few days.

The publisher even says that the buttercream frosting is one of her faves, I'm guessing, maybe there's something wrong with what I have done. I only use whisk when making it. Strenuous as it may seem but it's the only thing I can do for I have no electric mixer. Oh we have the handheld one but I'm afraid of using it, I always lose control and I haven't used that one before. The only mixer I've used before was the electric table top mixer. So to satisfy my hunger for making cupcakes, I just do it manually, ignoring the stressful whisking, it is a good work out for my left hand also.

I'm still not sure about what I've been doing wrong for now but soon, I will do my best to figure it out and present to you guys the best frosting there is. If ever I can do it. HAHA.

I don't feel good using the meringue or the boiled egg white ones, I haven't done it on cupcakes, so I'll just stick to what I do for now. I've tried making meringues before using only a whisk and I must say, it's a pretty tiring task too but totally worth it in the end.

So while I'm on the search, why don't you guys check out the blog above, highlighted in red and named Cupcake Cavern. I assure you guys, you will love it as much as I love it too.

That's it for now, Cheers!

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