Thursday, September 27, 2012

Bibingka for breakfast

Today my parents bought "Bibingka" for breakfast. It's a Filipino delicacy that is our version of the old rice cake.

Here is a pic of it, though not a good one. I'm not that good with taking pics:

Think my dad bought these, a few minutes from our place there is a small shed that sells these. They bake these yummy rice cakes in a small mold with banana leaves (hence the burnt banana leaves) then placed on top of coals. 

Gosh! I love the traditional way of cooking. It gives it a bit of a signature taste to it. I mean the charred sides of the rice cakes gives it an appetizing look and the burned banana leaves, leaves it's banana-ish taste and is really good. 

This even has the simplest ingredients and it's not hard to make. The main ingredients of it is rice (again, hence the name rice cake) and the coconut milk. YUP! I love coconut milk. 

As you can see the rice is grounded finely which makes it soft. Recently, I've seen my mom eat it with melted cheese on top. I have no idea how it tastes because I haven't tried it yet, still hesitant to try it. I've heard that there are different types of how this is eaten. Meaning, some pairs or tops it with different things which is interesting really. 

So for today that's all for the Bibingka breakfast. 


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Cooking Depression

This really is a real condition for me, the cooking depression thing. Been months since I have cooked something and posted stuff here. I really wanted to make something up, even decided to put up some posts about the every food we eat just to have something on. 

I haven't been able to cook because I've been sick all these time and not allowed to do anything. I know it SUCKS! I even broke my neck 3 days ago. and I've been wearing this really annoying neck brace. Makes your neck feel hot and wet. UGH!

So right now, this post is all about ranting. YUP! the good ol' ranting. I don't have anything in mind right now except for the feeling of my stomach tingling from hunger. Kept on saying " FEED ME YOU FAT BASTARD WITH A NECK COLLAR!" LOL.

I know what you guys are thinking, this cooking depression thing is making me crazy. Well guess what, it does. I'm CRAZY as hell. Damn straight crazy. I have the urge to make those rainbow cupcakes but I don't know what flavor.

I wanted to cook something Indian but I have no recipes. I wanted to write something so bad but what? That is the real question here. I'm out of ideas right now, I'm not even a really good writer as what you can see. I write like a 5 year old. LOL. Even attempted to write a book but I got stuck at the second page of my synopsis. See? I'm really not a good writer. 

Been wanting to use writing as a way to gain money online since it's the only way, found a lot of jobs like that but I don't think I qualify for that. HAHA. Didn't even went to college. lol

So that's it for the ranting for now, This post is just to keep the flies away from my blog. HAHA. 

Here's a pic of me looking all beaten up by chickens! haha. :))
